Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Doremi Won't Boot

Theatre called me Sunday. They went to boot up the Doremi and they said it started to boot up but then went to a cursor. I went up Monday.

I emailed Doremi and they gave me the steps for changing the boot order. There theory is that either the boot order was screwed up or that the boot drive was f'd.

Halfway through doing Doremis steps it clicked.

When I booted, the keyboard wouldn't work. I remembered way back I had a similar problem at another theatre. I plugged a USB hub into the back because I needed 3 ports and it only had 2. One time when they rebooted, it wouldn't boot. Doremi told me that the log showed that the unit was trying to boot from the USB hub. When I unplugged it, it booted up. I then plugged it back in.

I unplugged the rack mounted keyboard, asked the manager for their POS USB keyboard and was able to perform the steps Doremi wanted with no problem.

Moral of the story, if theatre complains of booting up and a blinking cursor starts, have them unplug all USB devices and try again. Could of saved me a trip across town in white death.

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