I was very proud of myself when this error popped up after booting up the NEC 2500 for the first time after replacing the CPU board and flashing it with current firmware/data and I didn't even flinch.
For some background, this projector was completely installed and configured but then had to"lend" its CPU board to another projector. I then had the replacement board sent to this site.
DLP ACK errors and I go way back to the begining. It was the first error I ever called in for to get assistance.
99% of all DLP ACK error is because a title sequence is calling upon a file that doesn't exist or is missing. All you have to do is go through and double check your titles. It use to happen a lot before NEC had the backup Settings option. When you use to copy cinema files from projector to projector during a roll out, every so often it would flip out because a setting wasn't lining up. Now that you can backup and restore Settings it only happens when you don't restore the file properly or if the projector gets disoriented (like when you rip out a perfectly good CPU board and replace it with a factory fresh one).
So when it happens after restoring files, don't worry, double check you uploaded the files and properly rebooted after uploading Settings file. Double check your titles and all should be good.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
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